Laguarda.Low将参与12月3-6日在亚利桑那州凤凰城举行的ICSC CenterBuild会议。本次会议致力于促进在购物中心、零售店、及以零售商业为重点的开发项目中的规划、开发、设计及建造从业人员的专业交流。
总裁Ed Jenkins 及商务拓展总监Laura Holwegner将代表Laguarda.Low出席本次活动。如果您希望和我们的团队成员现场会晤,欢迎发送邮件至laura.holwegner@laguardalow.com提前预约。
About ICSC CenterBuild
Over the last 30 years, design and construction professionals have attended the conference which emphasizes a highly interactive program encouraging the exchange of ideas. CenterBuild affords opportunities to connect with industry professionals, create new relationships and learn about future trends in this rapidly evolving typology.