Grandberry Park continues to gain momentum as a shopping and leisure destination in Tokyo. More than a million people visited within 13 days, and for over ten consecutive days, there were more visitors than Tokyo Disneyland!
With 241 stores and robust food and beverage offerings, the outdoor center offers a range of experiences to keep the guest engaged. Visitors can be found enjoying picnics in the outdoor plaza and adjacent Tsuruma Park, increasing the average time spent at the center to nearly three hours. In addition, the proximity to the city’s Tokyu Denen-tonshi train line has alleviated traffic congestion around the facility. This integration of public transportation, and thoughtful urban planning ensures that the center will be not only a popular shopping destination but also an asset to the community.
To read the full press coverage:
SankeiBiz: 町田の「グランベリーパーク」 13日間で100万人突破
Machida Keizai: 南町田「グランベリーパーク」来館者100万人突破 オープンから12日
Nikkei: 東急、アウトレット複合商業施設「グランベリーパーク」が来館者数100万人を突破
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